
Gold Coast, AU & Tokyo, JP

Call for Papers:

Encore Track

To keep up with the latest, important and relevant research in the community, we introduce the Encore Track to help disseminate interesting work in the field and foster interactions among researchers. In the Encore Track, researchers are welcome to submit an abstract, title and author information of their recent publications at prestigious venues for encore presentation at ADC. Specifically, submissions must have been published, in-press, or accepted for publication since 1 January, 2023 in other well-known scholarly conferences (including but not limited to SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, EDBT, KDD and CIKM) and journals (including but not limited to IEEE TKDE, VLDB Journal, and ACM TODS).

Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to present their work during the main conference via a poster session or a lightning talk session.

Review Process

The acceptance decision upon an individual submission is based on both the quality and the topic of the submission and we hope the accepted submissions will bring additional diversity to the conference.


The review process will be carried out immediately after the submission. Authors are required to submit a copy of the published paper in a PDF file-format, as well as the official URL to the publisher’s copy. If the paper has only received the acceptance notice but not been officially published, please also submit evidence of the paper’s acceptance (e.g., acceptance notification e-mail) in a PDF file-format.

Submission Link:

Important Dates

Submissions is continuous until 30 Sep, 2024 (23:59 AEST UTC+10).

Notification: within 14 days post-submission.


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